Pilgrim instructions

You are welcome in The Hermitage Feast of the Annunciation- The Skete of Saint Demetrios – Lacu (Chilia Buna Vestire, Schitul Sfântul Dimitrie – Lacu), from the Holy Mountain Athos. We welcome you with love and joy!

For a pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain Athos, please take into account the following aspects:

Access is only allowed to men, according to a law called Avaton. You can read about Avaton here (you can use Google Translate): https://marturieathonita.ro/avatonul-de-ce-nu-au-voie-femeile-in-sfantul-munte-athos/

It is necessary to select the monasteries you wish to visit. You can read about them in the application available for free download here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ro.bocan.sfantulmunteathos

Call the monasteries where you want to stay overnight and reserve your accommodation. Find the contact details of the monasteries in the tables at the bottom of this page.

To obtain the permits for staying in the Holy Mountain Athos (diamonitiria), you have the possibility either to obtain an invitation from one of the monasteries where you have accommodation assured (it is necessary to contact it), or to contact the Pilgrimage Office in Thessaloniki (tel. 0030-2310-252578, fax 0030-2310-222424 or e-mail: [email protected]), in this last case the number of permits being limited to 100 per day.

To obtain an access invitation to the Holy Mountain Athos from The Skete of Saint Demetrios – Lacu, please access this link and fill in the fields of the form: Form for registering your group to enter Holy Mount Athos (formularathos.ro)

Your data will be sent directly by us to the Pilgrimage Office in Thessaloniki, which will issue the diamonitiria. You will pick it up, against the sum of 25 euros, from Ouranopoli, before boarding the boat.

It is necessary to make a reservation on the boat. For this, access the website https://www.agioreitikes-grammes.com. You can use Google Translate for translation.

Photographing or filming, smoking, as well as inappropriate clothing (short-sleeved shirts, sports attire, etc.) are strictly forbidden in the monastery precincts. Clerical pilgrims and monks are requested to take part in the holy services and trapeza dressed in reverend (dulama) and cassock, also wearing a fez or potcap. Worshippers who have not previously announced their arrival, as well as children under 12 years of age, are not admitted to the Holy Mountain.

You can consult the liturgical program of The Hermitage Feast of the Annunciation here: https://marturieathonita.ro/program-liturgic-chilia-buna-vestire/

You will find a small store in our Hermitage.

For further information, you can send an email to the address: [email protected].

Chilia Intrării Maicii Domnului în BisericăP.Pimen694 657 2266 [email protected]Lacu
Chilia Izvorului TămăduiriiP.Dimitrie--Lacu
Chilia Sf. AntonieP.Antonie694 758 3782 (Mobil)
2377 023401 (Fix)
Chilia Întâmpinării DomnuluiP.Eftimie 694 267 3850 -Lacu
Chilia Acoperământului Maicii DomnuluiP.Isidor2377 023871-Lacu
Chilia Sf. TreimeP.Pavel Buciumanu697 438 6657-Lacu
Chilia Adormirii Maicii DomnuluiP. Pavel Prodea2377 022587 (Fix)
697 276 5236 (Mobil)
Chilia Înălțarea DomnuluiP. Paisie Rogojan 2377 0023858 (Fix)
697 251 5022 (Mobil)
Chilia Nașterea Maicii DomnuluiP. Nicanor694 512 5492-Lacu
Sfântul Pavel-6972507562[email protected]
Sfântul PavelNea Skiti 23770 23351-
Sfântul PavelSchitul Lacu23770 23636[email protected]
Marea Lavră-23770 23761-
Marea LavrăProdromu
( Arhondaric)
23770 23294 -
Marea LavrăProdromu
( Secretariat )
23770 23788-
Marea LavrăKavsocalivia23770 23319-
Marea LavrăSfânta Ana23770 23320-
Marea LavrăProvata23770 23216-
Marea LavrăKerasia23770 23218-
Marea LavrăSfântul Vasile23770 23217-
Marea LavrăCatunachia23770 23368-
Marea LavrăSfânta Ana Mică23770 23321-
Cutlumuş-23770 23226[email protected]
[email protected]
CutlumuşSfântul Pantelimon 23770 23359-
Caracalu-23770 23225-
Xenofont-23770 23249 [email protected]
XenofontBunavestire23770 23301-
Vatopedu-23778 88088 [email protected]
VatopeduSfântul Andrei23770 23824-
VatopeduSfântul Dimitrie23770 23303-
Pantocrator-23770 23253 [email protected]
[email protected]
PantocratorSfântul Proroc Ilie23770 23304-
Filoteu-23770 23256[email protected]
[email protected]
Grigoriu-23770 23218 [email protected]
Iviru-23770 23643[email protected]
[email protected]
Xiropotamu-23770 23251[email protected]
Simonopetra-23770 23254[email protected]
Hilandaru-23770 23797-
Zografu-23770 23247[email protected]
Dionisiu-23770 23237[email protected]
Dohiariu-23770 23245[email protected]
Sfântul Pantelimon-23770 23252[email protected]
Stavronichita-23770 23255-
Constamonitu-23770 23228-
Hilandar--[email protected]